Dienste wat ons aanbied:
In kort bied ons die volgende:
- Belasting dienste
- Salaris dienste
- Registrasies / deregistrasies
- Boedel administrasie en testamente
- Bestuurstate en finansiele state
Vir meer besonderhede, sien asb hieronder :
Belasting dienste:
- Berekening en indien van jou persoonlike inkomstebelasting
- Berekening en indien van opgawes by SARS vir jou maatskappy, beslote korporasie en trust bv werknemersbelasting (PAYE, SDL en UIF), inkomstebelasting opgawes sowel as voorlopige belasting ( Die opgawes gaan 2 keer ‘n jaar in, dis berekeninge wat gedoen word om te kyk of daar genoeg belasting afgetrek is vir al die inkomste verdien. Dis gewoonlik vir mense wat inkomste verdien wat nie deur die jaar belas word nie bv. rente, huur inkomste, ens)
- Maandelikse voorbereiding van salarisstrokies, tesame met indien van opgawes na SARS en die Labour department vir die UIF
- Registrasies by SARS vir inkomstebelasting, PAYE, SDL en UIF, VAT, import en export, ens
- Registrasie met die Labour department vir UIF (Die is nie dieselfde as die UIF by SARS nie)
- Registrasie by die Labour department “Return of earnings / Rand Mutual Assurance fund (Die registrasie is volgens die Wet op Indiensneming verpligtend as jy ‘n werknemer het of ‘n persoon indiens het vir jou huis. Die werk soos ‘n versekerings fonds wat gebruik kan word om eise van terug te eis sou die persoon aan diens siek raak of seer kry)
- Hanteer van oudits met die UIF en Ongevalle Kommisaris
- Deregistrasie by die UIF en Ongevalle Kommisaris”
- Verandering van besonderhede by die UIF en Ongevalle Kommisaris
- Registrasie met pensioen fondse per industrie
- “Central supplier data base” registrasie(‘n Webtuiste deur die owerhede gebruik vir die uitreik van tenders)
- ”Employment equity report” verklarings ( Hierdie is ‘n vereiste volgens die owerhede om besonderhede te verklaar oor jou diensmag as jy meer as 50 werknemers indiens het)
- Aanstelling by SARS vir maatskappye, trusts, NPO’s ens (Die aanstelling is nodig om toegang tot inligting by SARS te kry, dis gewoonlik die persoon wat verantwoordelik is vir die administrasie van die entiteit)
- Beneficial ownership declarations aan CIPC (Die is ‘n nuwe vereiste wat Maart 2023 ingekom het, danksy die Guptas en bedrog in SA. Met die vereiste moet daar verklaar word, wie die eienaar van die entiteit is en wie beheer oor die maatskappy uitvoer)
- CIPC veranderinge van direkteure, lede en registrasies
- Deregistrasie van beslote korporasies en maatskappye by CIPC en SARS (Net omdat die maatskappy by CIPC wys as gederegistreer, beteken nie SARS weet die entiteit bestaan nie meer nie. Maak eerder seker en vermy onnodige boetes en rente)
- E-filing registrasie vir individue, maatskappye, beslote korporasies en trusts
- Inkomstebelasting registrasies vir individue en trusts ( As u insolvent verklaar was, moet daar vir u ‘n nuwe belasting nommer uitgereik word met rehabilitasie omrede u as nuwe mens gesien word. Ons kan help met die proses.)
- Registrasie en deregistrasie van trusts by die Meester
Maandelikse administrasie
- Rekonsiliasie van debiteure en krediteure
- Verwerking van bank state, strokies en fakture vir akkurate boekhouding
Maandelikse bestuurstate wat die vordering van die entiteit wys - Begrotings kan opgetrek word per versoek
- Verwerking van salarisstrokies
Beplanning en administrasie van boedels
- Ons kan u bystaan met die opstel van u testament volgens u wense
- Ons is ook gekwalifiseerd om u boedel te assisteer, indien u sou wegval
- Ons ook gekwalifiseerd om u by te staan met beplanning van u boedel om tekortkominge te voorkom.
Indie U enige vrae het, kontak ons gerus deur die vorm op die “Kontak Ons” bladsy in te vul.
We offer the following services:
In summary:
- Tax services
- Registrations and deregistrations
- Estate administration and testaments
- Payroll services
- Management statements and financial statements
For more information regarding the services, please see below:
Tax services:
- Calculation and submission to SARS of your personal income tax
- Calculation and submission to SARS of your company, close corporation or trust taxes for example, payroll taxes (PAYE, SDL and UIF), income tax returns and provisional tax returns (these are returns filed twice a year where you calculate the profit of the entity to see if you have paid enough income tax over to SARS)
- Monthly preparation of your pay slips for employees, along with required submissions to SARS and the Labour department for the UIF declared
- Registrations at SARS for PAYE, SDL and UIF, VAT, Import and export, etc.
Compliance services:
- Registration with the Labour department for UIF (This is not the same as the UIF at SARS)
- Registration with the Labour department for Return of earnings / Rand Mutual Assurance fund (The registration is required by law if you employee a domestic worker or employees. This serves as insurance for the employees in the event that an employee is injured or sick on duty)
- Handling of audits with the UIF and Compensation fund
- Deregistration with the UIF and Compensation fund
- Amendment of registration details at the UIF and Compensation fund
- Registration with relevant provident funds
- Central supplier database registration (a website used by the government for tenders)
- Employment equity report submissions (this is a requirement by the government to report details about your workforce if you employ more than 50 employees)
- Appointment of representative at SARS for companies, trusts, NPO’s etc (In order to access your entity’s tax information, the person responsible for the admin of the company, should be appointed)
- Beneficial ownership declarations to CIPC (This is a new requirement from the CIPC to declare who the true owners of the entity are. Basically who makes the decisions regarding the business)
- CIPC amendments of directors, members and update of details
- Deregistration of close corporations and companies with CIPC and SARS (Just because the company is no longer trading, does not mean that CIPC and SARS thinks the same way. Rather make sure)
- E-filing registration for individuals, companies and trusts
- Income tax registration for individuals and trusts ( If you have been declared insolvent and you are rehabilitated, you will need to have a new number issued by SARS as you are seen as a new person. We can assist with the process)
- Registration and deregistration of customized trusts with the Masters office
Monthly administration
- Processing of debtors and creditors
- Processing of bank statements, slips and invoices for accurate bookkeeping
- Monthly management statements showing the progress of the company each month
- Budgets can be drawn up on request
- Processing of pay slips
Planning and estate management services:
- We can assist you with the setup of your will according to your wishes.
- We are also certified to assist with the wind up of your estate, should you pass away
- We are qualified executors and are happy to assist with tax planning
Should you have any questions, please feel free to send us a query by submitting the form on the “Contact Us” page.
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